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The Whys Have It Amy Matayo Books

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The Whys Have It Amy Matayo Books

At the top of the charts that command the success of his profession, musician Cory Minor has everything. Or that’s what the paparazzi and outward world sees. Inside his own private world, Cory’s life is another story. Losing himself in woman enamored by his lifestyle and the buzz of a new city every night, Cory’s life is on the fast track to disaster. Tragedy strikes when, while leaving his latest tour stop, his tour bus hits a car with two teenage girls inside.

In the aftermath of the tragedy, Cory is listless. He wants nothing more than to hide and keep far away from the tabloid rumors, but first he has something to do. This leads him back to his hometown and Samantha Dalton, a woman Cory’s future is now inexplicably linked to.

Anytime you pick up a novel by Amy Matayo, you’re sure to walk away with a lot of emotions. Not all of them are of the good kind. Some slap you across the face and ask, “What if...” Each time, they become kind of questions that linger and wonder and prod, breaking reader’s hearts (just a little bit) alongside the characters whose journey Amy takes us on.

I went into this book “blind.” All I knew was it had Amy’s name on the cover, and I’d read it. So, without reading the summary (prior to reading the book, I had when it was announced), I loaded it on my Kindle and away I went. Oh, my! I didn’t expect what greeted me mere pages inside this book. Two chapters in, a waterfall of tragedy assaults the reader, which makes us sit up and realize, this story (investing) is going to be anything but easy; emotionally or otherwise.

“Last words. They can kill you with their lack of meaning, slay you with the absence of thoughtfulness, shackle you to a career of writing lyrics for the rest of your life just to hopefully one day get them right. Last words cut. Last words haunt. Especially if they're careless. Especially if you have no hope of ever having another chance to make them better.” - Amy Matayo

Cory and Sam’s respective POV (first person) switch offs help us establish where they’re at emotionally, their heartbreak (current and prior), and their mindset when it comes to what a future might mean. No matter how much I adored these characters (and I did – more on this later), I do wish they’d been expanded on more than what they are. Are they sufficiently tested? Absolutely. But I wish we’d seen more of them, felt more from them because I think they stand out as being memorable (these two are far from “cookie cutter” normal). Because of the deep roots this plants in my reader's heart, this isn't a flaw. Instead it's a sign of how good this story and its characters are.

Cory’s lifestyle diminishes the person he could be and yet shapes the person he learns he can be. Sam’s past shapes her present, but she’s also able to see, through this unique bond with Cory, that it doesn’t have to define who she is.

Don’t misunderstand; I have nothing bad to say about this novel. It’s beautiful in so many ways – reasons, and ways I cannot speak of for two reasons. The simplest being spoilers and the other is I simply couldn’t do the story justice. To discover why, you simply must read The Whys Have It. ♥

Sincere thanks to the author for providing a complimentary e-copy of this book.

Read The Whys Have It Amy Matayo Books

Tags : The Whys Have It (9781546980155): Amy Matayo: Books,Amy Matayo,The Whys Have It,CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform,1546980156,Romance - Contemporary,Fiction,Fiction Romance Contemporary,Romance: Modern

The Whys Have It Amy Matayo Books Reviews

I admit it. I'm a huge fan of Amy Matayo. I've read all of her books except for maybe 1 or 2 novellas... which I should probably go read now )
She has a way of getting into her character's heads that it makes it seem like she's been through all the things the characters have been through.
It is really like she's experienced their hurts and their joys. So in telling their story, she makes those characters come to life and suddenly you feel like the characters are real. They are open and honest. When they hurt, you hurt. When they laugh, you laugh. And when they play their guitar and sing to millions of people, you get to be a rock god too.
This book will make you care about Cory and Sam. It will make you feel loss and pain and understand why sometimes you just want to run away and hide from it all but why you really need to just stand and deal with it all.... And in the end, you'll have read a story of friendship, love, forgiveness and how all of that can lead to healing.
This is the second book I've read from this author and I have to say that I love the outside of the box characters. I love that no aspect of their lives is perfect. That they question things with boldness and sometimes don't get all the answers. That's real life. It's what I often find lacking in romance novels.

I'm a sucker for gripping first person accounts and Matayo doesn't disappoint here. Both of the main characters are finely drawn. Well done and highly recommended.
I've read all of Amy Matayo's books and this is truly her BEST work yet. It should win the Pulitzer Prize for fiction and be on the NYT bestseller list. Matayo's writing skills and storytelling are among those of great Austen, Bronte, King. This book is definitely worth the purchase. Just make sure you have two bottles of wine and the entire isle of Kleenex.

The Whys Have It is an enthralling read. Matayo gives us a story of heartbreak, grief, and the transformative power of love that takes the reader on an emotional rollercoaster. Her two lead characters Cory Minor and Samantha (just call me 'Sam') Dalton are complex and so true to life. I'm sure many women readers will fall in love with Cory and it didn't take me long to develop a book-crush for Sam. I'm in awe how Matayo is able to dive so deep so quickly with her characters.

Cory is a rockstar. Major, major rockstar, 5 Grammy-awards major. And he enjoys the fruits his success brings him. He enjoys the fine things but does exercise some restraint especially when it comes to women and drugs. He's a thinking-man's rockstar. He meets Sam through tragic circumstances which takes him back to his home town, one that is full of unpleasant memories and a secret that has haunted him for a decade.

He's drawn to Sam. Sam has a heart that's been refined by the fire of heartache and loss. It's given her perspective, courage and depth of character. But she's also fragile with a lovely playfulness that endears Corey to want more. Matayo captures the essence of those early courtship (I love this old-fashioned word) days, two seemingly mismatched individuals who want to know what makes the other tick. And yes, there is passion but Matayo writes this discretely and with tenderness.

And it's messy. But all good relationships are. Aren't they? And it only serves to make us want more of these two excellent characters.

The story is told in alternate first-person POV Cory and then Sam's. I enjoy reading a romance this way. We get greater depth of insight into the 2 characters. The other cast members are relatively minor but Phyllis is a beauty and has a servant's heart and some fabulous Godly wisdom.

This is a powerful story of redemption, forgiveness (of others and self) and acceptance.
At the top of the charts that command the success of his profession, musician Cory Minor has everything. Or that’s what the paparazzi and outward world sees. Inside his own private world, Cory’s life is another story. Losing himself in woman enamored by his lifestyle and the buzz of a new city every night, Cory’s life is on the fast track to disaster. Tragedy strikes when, while leaving his latest tour stop, his tour bus hits a car with two teenage girls inside.

In the aftermath of the tragedy, Cory is listless. He wants nothing more than to hide and keep far away from the tabloid rumors, but first he has something to do. This leads him back to his hometown and Samantha Dalton, a woman Cory’s future is now inexplicably linked to.

Anytime you pick up a novel by Amy Matayo, you’re sure to walk away with a lot of emotions. Not all of them are of the good kind. Some slap you across the face and ask, “What if...” Each time, they become kind of questions that linger and wonder and prod, breaking reader’s hearts (just a little bit) alongside the characters whose journey Amy takes us on.

I went into this book “blind.” All I knew was it had Amy’s name on the cover, and I’d read it. So, without reading the summary (prior to reading the book, I had when it was announced), I loaded it on my and away I went. Oh, my! I didn’t expect what greeted me mere pages inside this book. Two chapters in, a waterfall of tragedy assaults the reader, which makes us sit up and realize, this story (investing) is going to be anything but easy; emotionally or otherwise.

“Last words. They can kill you with their lack of meaning, slay you with the absence of thoughtfulness, shackle you to a career of writing lyrics for the rest of your life just to hopefully one day get them right. Last words cut. Last words haunt. Especially if they're careless. Especially if you have no hope of ever having another chance to make them better.” - Amy Matayo

Cory and Sam’s respective POV (first person) switch offs help us establish where they’re at emotionally, their heartbreak (current and prior), and their mindset when it comes to what a future might mean. No matter how much I adored these characters (and I did – more on this later), I do wish they’d been expanded on more than what they are. Are they sufficiently tested? Absolutely. But I wish we’d seen more of them, felt more from them because I think they stand out as being memorable (these two are far from “cookie cutter” normal). Because of the deep roots this plants in my reader's heart, this isn't a flaw. Instead it's a sign of how good this story and its characters are.

Cory’s lifestyle diminishes the person he could be and yet shapes the person he learns he can be. Sam’s past shapes her present, but she’s also able to see, through this unique bond with Cory, that it doesn’t have to define who she is.

Don’t misunderstand; I have nothing bad to say about this novel. It’s beautiful in so many ways – reasons, and ways I cannot speak of for two reasons. The simplest being spoilers and the other is I simply couldn’t do the story justice. To discover why, you simply must read The Whys Have It. ♥

Sincere thanks to the author for providing a complimentary e-copy of this book.
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