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The Devil Bed eBook Doug Lamoreux

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Download PDF The Devil Bed eBook Doug Lamoreux

The Devil Bed eBook Doug Lamoreux

There is nothing I like better than to sit down with a good horror story and let a writer try to scare me. I think horror is one of the more difficult genres to get right. It's difficult to find an author who not only knows how to build tension to keep the reader hooked, but also sense when relief is needed from all the blood and gore so we don't become desensitized. With that said, Doug Lamoreux's The Devil's Bed presented interesting characters, who were all shown as real people with both strengths and weaknesses. It was easy to suspend disbelief and imagine myself in their midst, sharing in their fear.

The story begins with college student Brandy and her best friend Vicki taking a tour of a castle in France. Bored, Vicki allows herself to be led away from the group by one of the local boys. He ends up assaulting her on unhallowed ground by the graves of 14th Century Templar Knights who had been burned for witchcraft. When Brandy and the rest of the people on the tour can't find Vicki, they are forced to leave without her. The boy who assaulted her is among those on the bus, but remains silent about what he's done. When Vicki is knocked out, she hits her head on one of the crypts and her blood leaks inside where it is absorbed into the skeletal remains of the Templar Knight inside. Awakened from his long sleep, he rises and then uses Vicki's blood to raise the others. They are all thirsty for blood and immediately begin their search for new victims.

Brandy finds herself the leader of locals (including a priest) from a nearby town as they struggle to find a way to defeat the bloodthirsty Knights. They must band together if they want any hope of putting them back in their graves, permanently the second time. There are several great areas in the story that work to add depth, such as the demonized horses that rise with the Knights so they can ride again in search of victims. I loved it. An exciting, fun read for all those like me who crave a good scare. I know I'll be watching for more novels in the near future by Doug Lemoreux.

Read The Devil Bed eBook Doug Lamoreux

Tags : The Devil's Bed eBook: Doug Lamoreux: Kindle Store,ebook,Doug Lamoreux,The Devil's Bed,Creativia,Fiction Horror,Juvenile Fiction Horror & Ghost Stories

The Devil Bed eBook Doug Lamoreux Reviews

I actually was looking to read a horror novel. You know, scary paranormal, this has to be a nightmare type book? Well, this book isn't scary. But I enjoyed it. It started slow though. I almost put it away and moved on but I wanted to find out where in the world the author was going so I read on. I'm glad I did. Highly recommended.
I enjoyed this story. I found it hard to put down. I have heard other legends of the templars being vampires, but this is the best so far. And following the people in this story and how their lives connect was captivating.
This book kept my interest all the way to the end....that is an accomplishment because I usually get bored by the middle of a book!! I LOVED it!
Doug Lamoreux has masterfully blended history with horror . The characters are well crafted . Great story line makes this a real page turner .
Although I am a huge fan of anything to do with the Knights I could not finish this book. I gave it two tries months apart but still could not do it. The cover is what caught my attention and wanted me to read it. Once the Knights were revealed though and the history told I lost interest. It was very predictable what was going on and dragged out with meaningless filler to the story.
Brandy, and her fiancé Ray and future sister-in-law/BFF Vicki, are touring Europe so Brandy can finish her Master’s thesis titled `Burial Practices Around the World and What They Mean to Life'. The story starts with Brandy and Vicky taking a tour of Castle Freedom at Paradis, France where the Knight’s Templar’s were supposedly burned at the stake for worshipping the Devil. While they were being burned, they cursed the people condemning them with the promise of resurrection and revenge. Bored with the tour, blonde, beautiful Vicki leaves the group with a handsome stranger. He leads her to the cemetery where the remains of the unholy Knight Templars are interred. He attacks her and leaves her for dead. Now the action really starts.

It took me awhile to get into Doug Lamoreux’s writing style, but once I did, I really enjoyed it. He has a very unique way with words and a true wordsmith. His characters are well developed and I came to think of Ray and Brandy as friends. There are so many characters you will identify with. And like all good horror stories, you hope the character you’re attached to, doesn’t end up as one of the victims. But, there are a lot or victims in this well plotted story.

Ray and Brandy’s strained relationship turns into a partnership as they strive to survive the onslaught of undead. I loved Ray, this big, tattooed biker dude, screaming like a girl as a disembodied hand goes skittering across the floor. And then small, petite Brandy, carrying her bag o’ plenty saving the day. I really loved these characters and wouldn’t mind seeing them again in another story as Brandy finishes up her thesis. I’[m sure there’s lots of places Brandy can research where trouble is just around the corner.

But even amongst all the death and carnage, there’s dark humor that will have you laughing out loud. If you love dark, gory, funny horror tales, this one is for you. I give it 5 feathers. Well done.
Brandy takes a vacation to France with her fiancé, Ray, and her best friend/soon-to-be sister-in-law, Vicki, to finish her project on burial practices. It inevitably takes them to the tombs of the Templar Knights. Terrible things happen at the graves, and all hell (literally) breaks loose. Yet, through it all, the characters seem to keep a morbid sense of humor.

The mummified Templars are resurrected with help of their personal idol, Satan, and with it they bring forth a new kind of horror. They reanimate the dead as vampires, building an army of undead minions. Stop! I know what you are thinking, and you are wrong. These vampires have a thirst for human blood, and the human soul.

My creeptacular meter was dinging on high this time. What a great and creepy story filled with blood, guts, holy water, fire, and ceiling crawling undead. I have to give the writer props on the Evil Dead-like chase through the church that had me laughing out loud.
There is nothing I like better than to sit down with a good horror story and let a writer try to scare me. I think horror is one of the more difficult genres to get right. It's difficult to find an author who not only knows how to build tension to keep the reader hooked, but also sense when relief is needed from all the blood and gore so we don't become desensitized. With that said, Doug Lamoreux's The Devil's Bed presented interesting characters, who were all shown as real people with both strengths and weaknesses. It was easy to suspend disbelief and imagine myself in their midst, sharing in their fear.

The story begins with college student Brandy and her best friend Vicki taking a tour of a castle in France. Bored, Vicki allows herself to be led away from the group by one of the local boys. He ends up assaulting her on unhallowed ground by the graves of 14th Century Templar Knights who had been burned for witchcraft. When Brandy and the rest of the people on the tour can't find Vicki, they are forced to leave without her. The boy who assaulted her is among those on the bus, but remains silent about what he's done. When Vicki is knocked out, she hits her head on one of the crypts and her blood leaks inside where it is absorbed into the skeletal remains of the Templar Knight inside. Awakened from his long sleep, he rises and then uses Vicki's blood to raise the others. They are all thirsty for blood and immediately begin their search for new victims.

Brandy finds herself the leader of locals (including a priest) from a nearby town as they struggle to find a way to defeat the bloodthirsty Knights. They must band together if they want any hope of putting them back in their graves, permanently the second time. There are several great areas in the story that work to add depth, such as the demonized horses that rise with the Knights so they can ride again in search of victims. I loved it. An exciting, fun read for all those like me who crave a good scare. I know I'll be watching for more novels in the near future by Doug Lemoreux.
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