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⇒ [PDF] Free This Time of Darkness H M Hoover 9780765345677 Books

This Time of Darkness H M Hoover 9780765345677 Books

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Download PDF This Time of Darkness H M Hoover 9780765345677 Books

This Time of Darkness H M Hoover 9780765345677 Books

I first read this as a child, and it was one of several books that really made an impression on me. Every couple of years I would hunt it down through the local library, and it never lost its impact, even reading it as an adult! Finally, through Amazon, I was able to buy it for myself, and it will always have a place of honor on my bookshelf.

The story may have been labeled for young adults, but don't let that stop you from reading it! The writing is excellent, the plot is intriguing and moves swiftly. The ideas presented are thought-provoking and will have you thinking about the book long after you've finished it.

It's vaguely science fiction, set on a futuristic Earth, in a crowded, self-contained city -- one with no sunlight, no grass, no flowers, no beauty, no hope. Intelligence is frowned upon, reading is forbidden, life has little meaning. Then a boy appears and claims to have come from somewhere else, somewhere with bright sunlight and wide open spaces! Only one girl believes him, and together they set out to escape the dismal walls of her city, to find the impossible freedom of his home. Along the way they make some startling discoveries about the world they live in and the choices their ancestors made.

Read This Time of Darkness H M Hoover 9780765345677 Books

Tags : This Time of Darkness [H. M. Hoover] on *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <div>Eleven-year-old Amy lives in a decaying underground city. Ignored by her mother and under surveillance by authorities because she can read</i>,H. M. Hoover,This Time of Darkness,Starscape,0765345676,Fantasy - General,Science fiction.,Children's BooksAges 9-12 Fiction,Children: Young Adult (Gr. 7-9),Fantasy & magical realism (Children'sYA),Juvenile Fiction,Juvenile Fiction Fantasy & Magic,Juvenile Grades 7-9 Ages 12-14,MASS MARKET,Science Fiction, Fantasy, & Magic,Science fiction,Science fiction (Children'sYA),YOUNG ADULT FICTION,YOUNG ADULT FICTION Fantasy General

This Time of Darkness H M Hoover 9780765345677 Books Reviews

This book was the only one that stuck with me as a kid in the 80's. Now I have read it with my daughters. So cool!!
I read this book in the early 80's when I was in junior high, and just rediscovered it. It was as gripping and exciting to read now as it was almost 40 years ago.
Good post-apocalypse story. Conditions described are too likely to become real to let one be comfortable. There is a thread of hope all through the book that takes the protagonists through triumphantly to the end.
I read this book when it was first in the library in the early 80's. I'm guessing I was about 10 years old. Back then, I must have read it over a dozen times. I was disappointed when the library stopped carrying it. I've since bought a couple of copies of the book, and I always seem to give them away to friend's kids to share the story I enjoyed so much. I'm buying one now for my own kids (and for me to reread). I don't know exactly why I enjoyed this book to the extent that I did, but maybe it has something to do with how I felt like the characters were so well written that they were like my own friends. I am very happy to see similar comments about this book. I am very nostalgic about This Time of Darkness, and although I became a huge Star Trek fan a couple of years later, this book will always be my favorite Sci-fi book.

I thought there was a sequel to this book, with the same characters, but I may have just read another of H.M. Hoover's books and pretended they were the same characters. If anyone knows of a sequel to this book, please comment to this.
I originally read this book back in eighth grade (1987-88) and remembered the progression of the children, Amy and Alec, going from the bottom of the underground to the surface. For some reason, I thought the book was called Running to the Light or Going to the Light. I also remembered a discussion with the librarian, that it was similar to the many-layered subway systems in NYC. It was not till this weekend, when I was reading another book, A Perilous Power by E. Rose Sabin, and saw the other books by Starscape listed in the front matter, that I started checking out the other authors and found it here on !
My 4th grade teacher read this to my class over 20 years ago, I forgot most of the details, but always remembered sitting on the floor entranced with the story. It took a long time to find the book, not knowing the title or author. when I found it I had to have it right away. Reading it was like seeing an old friend. It was just as entertaining as I remembered it as a 10 year old.
"This Time Of Darkness" follows two classmates Amy and Axel. They are trapped in The City which is crumbling and falling down around everyone's ears. They are told that they can't leave because there is no outside or rather that outside will kill them. But Axel knows a secret, The Outside, is no longer poisonous and people can live out there and have been living out there for quite some time. Axel, himself, is from The Outside and has tried to escape The City many times by going down to level one. Amy tells Axel that there's supposed to be an 80th level that supposed to be better than other levels even though everyone is told all levels are the same. Wanting to see real sunlight and grass and flowers the children decide to escape to see if the legend of level 80 is true and even perhaps find an exit to Freedom.
I first read this as a child, and it was one of several books that really made an impression on me. Every couple of years I would hunt it down through the local library, and it never lost its impact, even reading it as an adult! Finally, through , I was able to buy it for myself, and it will always have a place of honor on my bookshelf.

The story may have been labeled for young adults, but don't let that stop you from reading it! The writing is excellent, the plot is intriguing and moves swiftly. The ideas presented are thought-provoking and will have you thinking about the book long after you've finished it.

It's vaguely science fiction, set on a futuristic Earth, in a crowded, self-contained city -- one with no sunlight, no grass, no flowers, no beauty, no hope. Intelligence is frowned upon, reading is forbidden, life has little meaning. Then a boy appears and claims to have come from somewhere else, somewhere with bright sunlight and wide open spaces! Only one girl believes him, and together they set out to escape the dismal walls of her city, to find the impossible freedom of his home. Along the way they make some startling discoveries about the world they live in and the choices their ancestors made.
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